Monterey County Herald, March 20, 2003: "William Congreve's sophisticated
comedy of manners "The Way of the World" may be 300 years old but in the
final analysis it wears its age gracefully. . . The ever-so-important servant
roles which actually move the plot along were very strongly cast. Rita
Carratello (Foible) captured her role with spirit, often appearing
more intelligent than her mistress."
Carmel Pine Cone, March 21, 2003: "From the lowliest maid to
the prettiest fop, the actors masterfully present the nuances and intrigues
of the time period. . . . Rita Carratello heroically took on the
role of Foible just days before the show's opening . . . As it is, a few
hours respite into the frippery and frivolity of early 18th century England
is a happy indulgence. Quills up!" |