
Gray Sanddragon has been found in Monterey County only once so far
— Robert Behrstock found and photographed this female along the Salinas
River, at the Davis Road crossing near Salinas, on 1 July 1997. This
photo appears for identification purposes on the Odonata
Central web site and also on Kathy
Biggs's site on California odes. [It is used here with permission;
R.A. Behrstock].
photo 1 July 1997
Salinas River near Salinas
there is only currently one record for Monterey County, the map (right)
has a single locale. Elsewhere in California, Gray Sanddragon is found
along sand-bottomed rivers and creeks where males sit in open, sunny
(Manolis 2003). It is generally a species of arid foothill country in
on both sides of the Central Valley. Perhaps the entire Salinas Valley
drainage system may provide habitat but perhaps the lone record is of a
real rarity. Much more remains to be learned about this species in MTY.
There is currently only a single date: 1
July 1997. Elsewhere in California,
the flight season is March through August (Manolis 2003).
Literature cited:
- Manolis, T. 2003. Dragonflies and Damselflies of
California. Univ. of
Press, Berkeley.
Web resources:
Major identification web sites with much information on California
odes include:
For sites with excellent photos to compare for identification or to
enjoy, see:
Many of these sites have links to other useful pages. Kathy Biggs's
is particularly useful in her selection of links. |
Text © Don Roberson 2007; photo
© Robert Behrstock 2007, used with permission, all rights reserved