Progomphus borealis

Gray Sanddragon has been found in Monterey County only once so far — Robert Behrstock found and photographed this female along the Salinas River, at the Davis Road crossing near Salinas, on 1 July 1997. This exquisite photo appears for identification purposes on the Odonata Central web site and also on Kathy Biggs's site on California odes. [It is used here with permission; © R.A. Behrstock].
photo 1 July 1997 Salinas River near Salinas

Since there is only currently one record for Monterey County, the map (right) has a single locale. Elsewhere in California, Gray Sanddragon is found along sand-bottomed rivers and creeks where males sit in open, sunny spots (Manolis 2003). It is generally a species of arid foothill country in California, on both sides of the Central Valley. Perhaps the entire Salinas Valley drainage system may provide habitat but perhaps the lone record is of a real rarity. Much more remains to be learned about this species in MTY.

There is currently only a single date: 1 July 1997. Elsewhere in California, the flight season is March through August (Manolis 2003).

Literature cited:
  • Manolis, T. 2003. Dragonflies and Damselflies of California. Univ. of Calif. Press, Berkeley.
Web resources:
Major identification web sites with much information on California odes include: For sites with excellent photos to compare for identification or to simply enjoy, see: Many of these sites have links to other useful pages. Kathy Biggs's site is particularly useful in her selection of links.

Text © Don Roberson 2007; photo © Robert Behrstock 2007, used with permission, all rights reserved


Page created 12 Oct 2006