There are actually four subspecies of Cackling Goose, but one (Hutchinson's Cackling B. h. hutchinsii)
breeds in high eastern Canada and has not yet occurred in California.
Only two (Ridgway's & Aleutian) have been documented in Monterey
County. To distinguish between these population, we need to consider
size, head shape, and bill size & shape, plus four additional
features. One of those is upperpart pattern, and particularly the
pattern on the upperwing coverts. In Jeff Poklen's fine shot (above)
note how much darker and patterned the upperwing coverts of Ridgway's
Cackling Goose are compared to a large Canada Goose.
The decidedly patterned greater coverts are an important feature of Ridgway's Cackling.
Each feather of those coverts has a rather dusky base, then a much
darker subterminal band, and finally a contrastingly pale tip (below
left; arrow points to the greater coverts). Aleutian Cackling (below right) has a dusky base to each feather and a pale tip, but typically lacks the subterminal dark band of Ridgway's.
Photo (left) 28 Dec 1999 Seaside; photo (right) 20 Dec 2008 Pt. Pinos & 19 Jan 2009 Pt. Pinos (below); all © D. Roberson
character is whether or not the goose has a gular stripe — a dark
stripe from throat to chin that separates the two white cheeks from
each other. This Aleutian Cackling (right) shows a broad dark gular
stripe; indeed, most Aleutian Geese have gular stripes while most of
the other geese under review here do not. As a generality, the smaller
and darker populations of Canada (e.g., occidentalis) and Cackling have a tendency towards a gular stripe, while very few large or pale populations (e.g., moffitti) show it, but like most other things, these are tendencies and not absolutes.
of these tendencies — but not a diagnostic feature — is the presence or
absence of a white neck ring at the base of the black neck. Most
Aleutians have this ring while most Ridgway's lack it, but there are
Aleutians without neck rings and Ridgway's with them. In fact, all
races of Canada and Cackling may occasionally have a neck ring (B.E.
Deuel, pers. comm.). |
while a neck ring is not a diagnostic feature, standing alone, it is a
very useful character in looking through flocks of geese. If a large
percentage of small Cackling Geese have neck rings, it is likely they
are Aleutian Cackling Geese (above; 28 Oct 2006
Carmel R. mouth). Of the three we can see, two have broad neck rings
and one (on the right) has a small partial ring. The bill is short and
small, but not tiny and triangular (like Ridgway's); the coverts are
dusky with a pale tip, but without the better-defined subterminal band
of Ridgway's; and the forehead is steep while the crown is more flat
(at least on the ones to the left). This is a photo from October. Look
at the goose second from left: we cannot see its head. Its coverts are
not nearly as patterned as all the others we can see — this is because
it is a juvenal goose that still retain its less-patterned juvenal
coverts. These will be mostly replaced by winter (Pyle 2008). We can
also see the gular stripe well on one bird, and it is present on all.
So this is a flock of Aleutian Cacklers.
It seems
also reasonably true that only Aleutian Geese have very broad white
collars among small cacklers (below; 3 May 2008 El Estero). The coverts
are ambiguous on this goose (the median coverts look well-patterned,
more like minima) but the bill is too long for minima,
the crown is vaguely flattish, the breast is not purplish-dark, and the
bird has a gular stripe. But it is possible that a huge broad white
collar like this is outside the range of Ridgway's. |
In contrast, Ridgway's Cackling Goose
(below two birds) typically does not have a neck ring. They have very
short, almost triangular-shaped bills, tend to have a rounded head (but
not always, see below left), tend to have the darkest and most
patterned upperwing coverts, and tend to lack the gular stripe (the one
below left lacks a stripe, but the one below right has one). The strong
majority have very dark, almost purplish-dark, breasts. They are just
really dark geese. These are also tiny geese — the size of Ross's Geese
— and they have really short necks. |
Photos (above left) 10 May 2001 El Estero © Bill Hill; (above right) 3 Nov 2008 Pajaro R. mouth © Jeff Poklen; (below) 19 Jan 2009 nr Salinas © D Roberson |
Ridgway's, though, have a small neck right (lower right bird in flight
shot with Ross's). This flight shot also has an Aleutian for
comparison. All in all, the best characters are these:
- bill size/shape, if it can be evaluated
- overall
size—Ridgway's is size of Ross's while Aleutian is almost the size of
Snow Geese that visit MTY [but there is lots of size variation in
populations of Snow Geese, so that won't work as well elsewhere]
- purplish-dark breast of Ridgway's, medium-dark breast of Aleutian
- very short neck of Ridgway's
- huge neck ring of some Aleutian, but plenty of overlap; however, a flock with lots of neck rings is likely Aleutian
- darker & more tri-patterned upperwing coverts of Ridgway's, with well-defined subterminal band
- comparative head shape (typically more rounded, less flat in Ridgway's)
gives us a suite of characters to consider, and we should de-emphasize
neck rings and head shape, using those features only among a group of
other features. |
is yet another problem with which we have not yet had to deal in
Monterey County, but is a problem in California's Central Valley. How
does one separate the largest subspecies of Cackling Goose — Taverner's
Cackling B. h. taverneri (below left) — from the smallest subspecies of Canada Goose —Lesser Canada Goose B. c. parvipes (below: background in left photo, individual bird on right). |
Both Taverner's Cackling (above left; photo Dec 2008 in Washington state © S.G. Mlodinow ) and Lesser Canada
(above right; photo Anchorage © S.J. Peterson) are mid-sized
geese, and both have much variation between light and darker birds. The
Lesser Canada that I photographed in MTY (previous page) was a very
pale bird, while those that breed near Anchorage, Alaska (above right)
are much darker. Remember that these are small compared to our resident
Canadas, but these are slightly larger than Aleutian Cacklers. There is
a parvipes Lesser Canada in the background of the two
Taverner's Cackling, showing that it is slightly bigger than
Taverner's, and decidedly longer-billed. Indeed, it seems to be bill
shape that is most important. The bill of Taverner's is almost
triangular — but a much bigger triangle than the tiny bill of minima Ridgway's!
flight shot below — from Nisqually NWR, Washington © S.G. Mlodinow
— shows a Taverner's (left) in flight next to a Ridgway's. This shows
the extremes in size of Cackling Geese; note again bill shape,
comparative neck length, and the very dark breast (and belly) of
Ridgway's Cackling.
I want to re-emphasize the degree of variation in all these geese. Take
our local breeding resident population: here is a mated pair on Pt.
Pinos. Yet there is variation is size, neck length, and breast color.
The bird on the left has a darker breast. Note also that this left-hand
bird has a gular stripe, while the one on the right is more typical to
lack one. |
Some useful on-line resources include:
I was extremely lucky that the very useful article by Mlodinow et al.
(2008) arrived on my doorstep just after seeing the mystery geese in
MTY! Then, Steven Mlodinow and Bruce Deuel were very helpful in working out the i.d. of Monterey geese, and contributed many useful details (and Steve sent photos!). Stacy Jon Peterson, Stuart MacKay, Jeff Poklen, and Bill Hill all graciously added photos [their websites are linked at their names]. Many thanks to all.
Photos: All photos © Don Roberson, except as otherwise indicated; all rights reserved.
Literature cited:
Johnson, D.H., D.E. Timm, and P.F. Springer. 1979. Morphological characteristics of Canada Geese in the Pacific Flyway, in Management & Biology of Pacific Flyway Geese (R.I. Jarvis & J.C. Bartonek, eds). Oregon State Univ., Corvallis, OR.
S.G., P.F. Springer, B. Deuel, L.S. Semo, T. Leukering, T. Doug
Schonewald, W. Tweit, and J.H. Barry. 2008. Distribution and
identification of Cackling Goose (Branta hutchinsii) subspecies. North Amer. Birds 62: 344–360.
Mowbray, T.B., C.R. Ely, J.S. Sedinger, and R.E. Trost. 2002. "Canada Goose" in Birds of North America, No. 682 (A. Poole & F. Gill, eds.). The Birds of North America, Inc., Philadelphia, PA.
Pyle, P. 2008. Identification Guide to North American Birds. Part II. Slate Creek Press, Bolinas.
Roberson, D. 2002. Monterey Birds. 2d ed. Monterey Pen. Audubon Soc., Carmel CA.