choices 31–40
Photo/art [see credits]
all photos taken in wild unless stated
Reason for choice
DR seen?
31 Giant Armadillo
Priodontes maximus
[s. South America]
Enormous size and strictly nocturnal habits characterize this scarce and elusive armored mammal. I've seen its huge burrows in Emas NP in Brazil — indeed, our van crashed into one and got stuck — but even the locals rarely seen one. It is another of those "almost hopeless" mammals to see, and well represents its unique family. No
Myrmecobius fasciatus
[w. Australia]
This diurnal marsupial is now limited to sw. Australia. It is shy and elusive in eucalyptus forests. It feeds primarily on termites, and requires a large home range. Once more widespread, predation by non-native foxes and habitat loss have made it rare. See my Numbat page.
Tasmanian Devil
Sarcophilus harrisii
This fierce marsupial is the largest carnivorous marsupial alive today. Although extirpated from Australia long ago, it was common on Tasmania but is now threatened by an epidemic disease, and is much reduced. Said to be pound-for-pound as vicious as any predator — and then it has a great name — one of those iconoclastic beasts.
Red Panda
Ailurus fulgens
[e. Himalayas & sw. China]
Red Panda is the only living member of the family Ailuridae. It is not related to Giant Panda [weasels & raccoons are closer relatives]. It is a beautiful arboreal animal that eats bamboo, and is mostly nocturnal. There are spots in the Himalayas where day roosting individuals may be seen, with luck. There may be two species involved.
35 Fossa
Cryptoprocta ferox
This is the largest predator in Madagascar, and the largest in the recently recognized family Eupleridae, the Madagascar carnivores. It can be diurnal or nocturnal, and is a forest mammals that is everywhere scarce and often declining.
36 Indri
Indri indri
[e. Madagascar]
The largest of Madagascar's lemurs, the Indri is nearly tail-less but lives in the canopy. The antiphonal haunting calls are a real forest experience. Their range is now fragmented as numbers decline; the Perinet Reserve was established to help save them. There are about a dozen very colorful lemurs (patterns of black, white, red or orange) in Madagascar. Yes
any Colugo
Galeopterus variegatus, Cynocephalus volans
[se. Asia]
Often called "flying lemur," these are neither fly nor are lemurs. Rather, the two Colugos are distinctive gliding mammals, like huge flying squirrels, but with a head that resembles a small hornless deer. Bornean Colugo glides at dusk in primary forests. Philippine Colugo is limited to a very few Philippine islands.
Yes; 1 of 2
any Sirenid
Dugong dugong or any manatee Trichechidae sp.
[tropical coasts]
The five species of family Sirenia [sea-cows] are found in warm coastal waters. Dugong ranges from e. Africa to se. Asia & Australasia. The 4 manatees are West Indian T. manatus, Amazonian T. inunguis and Dwarf T. bernhardi [both Amazon basin] and West African T. senegalensis. Each is a real treat to observe in the wild.
Yes, 1 of 5
39 Giant Otter
Pteronura brasiliensis
[South America]
It is great fun to watch the antics of any of the world's 13 otter species. I like sea otters (I can see them daily where I live) but I am particularly attracted to freshwater species. Giant Otter is the largest, is now considered Threatened, and exists only in remote Amazonian Basin and Pantanal wilderness. A fine choice indeed. Yes
any Tapir
Tapirus sp.
[Neotropics & tropical Asia]
Any tapir is a treat. The size of a donkey, they are generally elusive in the dense jungle. Brazilian T. terrestris (left) is the most common and widespread. Mountain T. pinchaque & Baird's T. bairdii are also in the Neotropics but both are endangered. The black-and-white Malayan T. indicus is very rare in se. Asia.
Yes, 1 of 4

Links to all of the "top 50":



All artworks are copyrighted by the artist (as detailed below) and are either used with permission or are posted here in reliance on the non-commercial "fair use" doctrine; all rights are reserved by the artist

* Toni Llobet painted the Fossa (from Handbook of the Mammals of the World, Vol. 1)

All the photographs are copyrighted by the photographer (as detailed below) and are used with permission; all rights are reserved to the photographer.

* Kevin Schaefer photographed Giant Armadillo (Pantanal, Brazil); his website has extraordinary nature images
* Hans & Judy Beste photographed Tasmanian Devil in Tasmania, Australia [it was a captive]
* David Fisher photographed Red Panda (Himalayan India)
* A.L. Chan photographed Bornean Colugo (Malaysia), courtesy of Hans & Judy Beste
* Don Roberson photographed Numbat (Western Australia), Indri (Madagascar, and Brazilian Tapir (Brazil).
* Murray Lord photographed Giant Otter (Manu NP, Peru)
* the photo of Dugong is from Wikipedia (uncredited)

Page created 1-6 June 2002, updated 20 Aug 2002, revised 30 Aug 2010, 7 Dec 2014, 18 Feb 2021 & 24 Oct 2021
some photos & all text © Don Roberson