Jones was an active southern California birder during the late '60s and
'70s. I remember running into Lee during my first trip to Morongo Valley
in March 1972, and he was already a well established name in the birding
world by then. He was probably the first 'big-name' southern California
birder that I met. He was collecting Phainopepla eggs for Charles Sibley's
studies of egg-white proteins and their potential for clarifying taxonomic
By the time I met him, Lee had already discovered California's first
Whip-poor-will (Jones 1971a) and Neotropic Cormorant (then called "Olivaceous
Cormorant; Jones 1971b). He was one of the first hardcore birders to spend
considerable time on the Channel Islands, off southern California, and
to document their importance as vagrant traps in migration. His master
thesis at UCLA was on the status and distribution of birds on Santa Catalina
Island (Jones 1974).
In the late 1970s and early 1080s, Lee completed two full terms (6 years)
on the California Bird Records Committee, and he also spear-headed the
first major upgrade to the published WFO checklist (Jones et al. 1981).
He pioneered some of the first uses of four-letter codes for banding and
field notes (see, for example, Jones 1980, 1992).
Photo (above) aboard the Paisaino enroute to Santa
Barbara I., 20 Sep 1974 © D. Roberson
is probably fair to say that Lee danced to the beat of a somewhat different
drummer than many California birders, and was never part of the "drive
to Death Valley today, head to Arcata tomorrow" social crowd. He worked
professionally as a biological consultant in the 1980s, but often with
different organizations than other State birders. For a time in the early
1980s, he lived in an alternative community in a remote canyon in Riverside
I admit to losing track of Lee's whereabouts until recently. Lee is
now serving as as North American Birds' Regional Editor for Central
America, with an address in Belize. How he got there, I haven't a clue
. . . [but it sounds pretty much like a tropical paradise].
Photo (right) ~ 1976 © Barry Clark |
Photo (above) aboard skiff to land on Santa Barbara
I., 20 Sep 1974. © D. Roberson
At bow — Lee Jones; 2d row — Jon Dunn, Guy McCaskie; 3d row
— Linda Terrill, prob. Mike San Miguel (far end); 4th row — Harry Krueger,
Kimball Garrett. It was Lee who arranged access for this trip. |
Official Bird Name: Horned Puffin
Significant bird records: many records of local interest, especially
in Riverside County, and those of Statewide interest include:
Whip-poor-will 2 May 1968 San Jacinto Mts. RIV — first CA record
Neotropic Cormorant 13 Apr 1971 West Pond, nr Imperial Dam
IMP — first CA record
Red-faced Warbler 14 Jun 1973 San Gabriel Mts. LA — 2nd CA
record [co-finder]
White-eyed Vireo 9 May 1981 Whitewater Canyon RIV — 5th CA
Selected publications 1971-1989:
Jones, H.L. 1971a. The Whip-poor-will in California. Calif. Birds 2:33-36.
Jones, H.L. 1971b. Olivaceous Cormorant record for California. Calif. Birds
Jones, H.L. 1974. Annotated Checklist of the birds of Santa Catalina Island
and adjacent waters. Unpublished MS thesis, UCLA.
Jones, H.L. 1975. Studies of avian turnover, dispersal, and colonization
of the California Channel Islands. Unpublished PhD dissertation, UCLA.
Jones, H.L., and Diamond, J.M. 1976. Short-time-base studies of turnover
in breeding bird populations on the California Channel Islands. Condor
78: 256-549.
Jones, H.L. 1980. Birding as a four-letter word. West. Tanager 47(3): 8.
Jones, L., Garrett, K., and Small, A. 1981. Checklist of the birds of California.
West. Birds 12:57-72.
Jones, L., Stefani, R., and Collins, P. 1981. Checklist of the birds of
the Channel Islands National Park. U.S. Nat. Park Serv., Oxnard.
Selected publications after 1989:
Jones, H.L. 1992. A simple four-letter code for the birds of North America.
Birding 24: 377-380.