These are recently proposed bird families |
These are not accepted in my family listing |
Pluvialidae Golden-Plovers
Pacific Golden-Plover: 1 Jan 2012 Hawaii, HI |
Pipritidae Piprites
Wing-barred Piprites: 30 Jul 2010 Intervales NP, Brazil |
Platyrinchidae Spadebills & allies
White-throated Spadebill: 4 Aug 2010 Itatiaia NP, Brazil |
a subfamily of Charadriidae; listed by Boyd
as family per research in Ericson et al. (2003) |
merged in Cotingidae; is listed as family
by Boyd per Ohlson et al (2013), etc |
considered a subfamily of Tyrannidae; has been
proposed as family by Ohlson et al. (2013)
Tachurididae Rush Tyrant
Many-colored Rush-Tyrant: 26 Nov 2014 nr Lima, Peru |
Rhynchocyclidae Flatbills & allies
Eye-ringed Flatbill: 25 Dec 2007 Rio Tigre, Costa Rica |
This genus seen but not photographed:

Scotocercidae Scrub Warbler
considered a subfamily of Tyrannidae; has been
proposed as family by Ohlson et al. (2013) |
considered a subfamily of Tyrannidae; has been
proposed as family by Ohlson et al. (2013) |
considered a subfamily of Cettiidae; proposed as
family by Fregin et al. (2012)
Finally, below, are a couple of potential
family-level groups that have not yet been
proposed as Families but could be so proposed
in the future. There are likely others in this
category that I have overlooked. |
Ptilopachidae Stone Partridges
Stone Partridge: 12 Dec 2013 Mole NP, Ghana |
Scleruridae Leaf-tossers & Miners
Tawny-throated Leaf-tosser: 7 Apr 1995 Chiapas, Mexico |
considered subfamily of Odontophoridae but are
the only "New World Quail" in the Old World |
a subfamily of Furnariidae but would be Family
if Woodcreepers were re-elevated to Family |