These shots are from a fine "Focus on Nature" tour of the Lesser Antillean
islands of St. Lucia, St. Vincent, and Dominica (a trip led by Armas Hill),
with a final day on Puerto Rico (a trip led by B. J. Rose and with a different
set of participants). In the islands of the Lesser Antilles, we were successful
in locating all island and regional endemics within a week. Regional highlights
included the Brown Trembler (above left; photo'd on Dominica) and
Purple-throated Carib (below right; also photo'd on Dominica).
The Trembler was actually engaged in nest-building in the eaves of the
forest station at the Emerald Pool, and seemed oblivious to the hordes
of cruise-borne tourists milling nearby.
The group total (including the day in Puerto Rico) was just over 100
native species (95 seen by me) and while this is not a very high number,
it does include a number of species found nowhere else in the world. [For
Steve Bailey and me, it also included the Grenada Dove as we did a single-day
jaunt over to that additional country and managed to eke out poor views
of that endangered species.] Just over 30 would be considered "regional
endemics" and 15 of these are single island endemics, including four spectacular
parrots in the Lesser Antilles, each rare and endangered. On Puerto Rico,
most of us were lucky enough to see 4-5 Puerto Rican Parrots (only 35 left
in the wild), and all participants at least heard this rarity. Among these
single island birds are the St. Lucia Oriole on St. Lucia (below
left) and the Red-necked Parrot on Dominica (below right).
A good portion of our success goes to our local leaders on each island
-- Donald Anthony on St. Lucia, several locals on St. Vincent, Anthony
Jeremiah on Grenada, and Bertrand John-Baptiste on Dominica. The shot below
shows Bertrand with his "Dr. Birdy" vehicle. . .
The participants were a small but select group which included:
... a thinker [Ginny McNair]
... a dancer [Gail Choate-Pettit]
... and several who were noted performing disgusting and barbaric eating
rituals [Steve Bailey and Jack aka Nick aka David Nichols, below]
we had seen every special endemic with a day still to go on Dominica, so
Armas arranged a pelagic trip with local whale-watching expert Anthony
Armour. The boat trip was not much for seabirds (~8 Pom Jaegers) but was
spectacular for mammals with an exceptionally rare sighting of Dwarf
Sperm Whale Kogia simis (above or right) and a huge school of
200-300 dolphin which may be the very little-known Fraser's Dolphin
hosei (below). I am among the few birders on earth who had prior experience
with this little known cetacean (from research cruises in the eastern tropical
Pacific), but they were "lifers" for everyone else on the trip. The structure
of these animals (very short snout, stocky shape, short dorsal), the school
size & behavior (very leery of the boat), and much of the pattern was
correct for the pantropical Fraser's, but these beasts differed from Pacific
Fraser's Dolphins. They lacked the prominent "racoon-face" black band from
eye to vent shown on most Pacific individuals, although a duller version
was seen on some of the Caribbean ones. Our observation and these photos
may illustrate a greater range of variation -- ocean to ocean -- among
Fraser's Dolphins than is described in any of the literature I have located.
Finally, we came upon a wonderful Loggerhead Turtle offshore (below), rounding out a perfect 4-hour pelagic trip....
Here's hoping your next adventure is as pleasant as ours ....
Page created 30 Mar 2000, modified 4 Apr 2000