Pt. Pinos
is the northwestern tip of the Monterey Peninsula in Pacific Grove
(above). It is world famous as a sea-watching site, but is also well
known for the diversity of vagrants seen on Crespi Pond or in the
adjacent cypresses. Unfortunately, most of the northwestern portion of
Pacific Grove is a golf course so birding access is limited to the
shoreline or the cypresses next to the restroom at Crespi Pond. Yet the
public has access to the entire shoreline, so viewing rocky shorebirds
and gulls is usually easy, and one can sea-watch from extensive public
pull-outs along this entire stretch of coast. For a further discussion
of seawatching at Pt. Pinos, see the text and photos on the Monterey
Audubon Seawatch conducted dawn-to-dusk for six weeks by Tony Leukering
and volunteers from 1 Nov to 15 Dec 2015
[that discussion is the major portion of the seasonal highlights
there]. Monterey Audubon continues to sponsor formal seawatches here
each autumn.
eBirding the Pt. Pinos area:
map below shows the boundaries of the major eBird Hot Spot — Pt.
Pinos-general — and its 'sub-locations' called Pt. Pinos--seawatch only
and Pt. Pinos--south gull roost only. Most visitors will wish to use just
the major Hot Spot [Pt. Pinos general area]. You can search the shore,
check Crespi Pond, and conduct a seawatch all within the same
checklist. Stay off the golf course. The 'sub-locations' are embedded
within the Pt. Pinos-general Hot Spot. What makes them different than
normal Hot Spots is that these 'sub-locations' are meant to be used
only as stationary counts. Please use the "general" Pt. Pinos Hot Spot
unless you want to do a stationary sea-watch or a stationary county of
the gull roost.
The Pt. Pinos-general Hot Spot includes these interesting locations:
Crespi Pond:
Crespi Pond is a small freshwater pond on Sunset Drive that is used as
a water hazard for the 17th golf course hole. It can dry up in drought
years but is generally full; see more about it and its history further
down this page. When there is water there is a pond and its marsh, plus
a tall netting that separates it from the driving range, and power
lines that cross overhead, and birds flying directly over the pond.
Shell & Acropolis vicinity:
this part of the Pt. Pinos Hot Spot features neighborhoods east of
Asilomar Ave. and west of Coral St., centered on the intersection of
Shell & Acropolis, where there is often a flowering bottlebrush.
The Pt. Pinos 'sub-locations' — meant to be used for stationary counts — have these parameters:
Pt. Pinos--seawatch only:
You can scan the sea with binoculars or (preferably) a good scope in
any weather. Windy days tend to be better for pelagic species, and very
windy days (gale force winds) can bring rarities. There is public
access along the seaward side of all of Ocean View Blvd. and Sunset
Drive. The purple "x" sites on the map are some popular sea-watching
locations. Looking west is best in the morning, and "Raven seawatch" is
a small pullout halfway between the 'south gull roost' and Pt. Pinos
itself. "The Point" seawatch is right at the NW tip of the Peninsula,
views the series of rocks lying offshore, and permits one to view west
or north from the same site. The "MAS" seawatch is the site of the
formal Audubon-sponsored seawatch efforts that began in late 2015 (when
conducted by Tony Leukering and volunteers) and thereafter annual by
professional sea-watchers. The site known as "John Denver beach" is a
good gull roost [there is a commemorative plaque here as John Denver's
experimental aircraft crashed just off this site]. The "'Petrel Point'
seawatch is named for a Mottled Petrel seen from here on 12 Dec 1984;
it is more sheltered than other spots in gale-force conditions. An
ebird seawatch list is supposed to be a stationary count from one of
these sites. The eBird list is meant to be limited to birds seen or
heard from the seawatch site.
Pt. Pinos--south gull roost only:
this is an area of rocky and sandy shore that often has a large gull
roost (in season) and an islet that is always covered with cormorants.
Cormorants do not nest on this islet but it is a favored roost [except
in very unusual conditions, Brandt's are the common species, with a few
Pelagic around the edges, and Double-crested is the rarest with just a
couple, if any]. In eBird this sub-location is intended to be entered
as a stationary count of the gull and cormorant roost, and any seabirds
seen flying by over the sea, and anything else you hear or see while
doing so. Local birders will likely use this sub-location more than
visitors would, just to keep track of rarities at this spot. For
visitors, it is just another part of the Pt. Pinos-general Hot Spot
[the photo below is a view of "south gull roost", looking north].
map above also shows the other "stand alone" Hot Spots in this part of
Pacific Grove. These Hot Spots are separate and apart from Pt. Pinos,
and birds present in any of these sites should not be included in the
Pt. Pinos Hot Spots. Please use the boundaries shown on the map to
enter eBird checklists for these areas. Two of them are along the shore:
Asilomar SB--rocky shore [Jewell to Asilomar, west of Sunset]:
this Hot Spot is just south of Pt. Pinos and lies west of Sunset Blvd
where there is a very nice public hiking trail and a few offshore
islets. It is very good for rocky shorebirds (in season), and the
coastal dunes have resident nuttalli White-crowned Sparrows.
Pacific Grove--Otter Pt.:
this Hot Spot is just east of Pt. Pinos and is centered on Otter Pt.
(not shown on the map above but is on the map below). It is another
good spot for sea-watching, and tends to be more sheltered than Pt.
Pinos itself. The Hot Spot is on the Bay-side of Ocean View Blvd.
two other Hot Spots on the map above are inland areas and are not
intended to be used for birds along the shore or at sea. You should
count any seabirds flying over any of these Hot Spots — a few gulls, a
wayward loon or pelican or cormorant (almost invariably a
Double-crested if even a block inland) — but mostly these Hot Spots are
good for landbirds, and especially migrant landbirds in spring or fall:
Pacific Grove--Esplanade Park vicinity:
the Hot Spot features neighborhoods centered around public Esplanade
Park with its groves of cypresses, and extends east of Coral St. to Sea
Palm. Lots of fall vagrants have been recorded here in fall migration
(mostly Sep-Oct). In this 'neighborhood' Hot Spot please be on
particular good behavior. Your are birding around homes and residents
will have privacy concerns about the use of binoculars.
Pacific Grove--El Carmelo cemetery:
this is a public cemetery and a very fine birding location for resident
and migrant landbirds. Birders are welcome in the cemetery (but stay
away from actual burials at funerals). Birders are not permitted on the
adjacent golf course or the adjacent "Monarch" condos, but those are
shown within the boundaries, as you will see some birds on the golf
course or the residential area while birding the cemetery. There are
groves of pines and cypresses here, and red-flowering trees in late
summer and early fall that attract hummingbirds and nectaring
landbirds. These habitats are quite different than habitats on Pt.
Pinos. Birds that are common here — but scarce at Pt. Pinos itself —
include hummingbirds, woodpeckers, titmice and nuthatches. Please do
not enter birds in the cemetery on your Pt. Pinos eBird list.
the 20th century, and before eBird, local birders designated a "Pt.
Pinos Listing Area" — a somewhat larger area than an eBird "Hot Spot,"
and this is shown on the map below. There are now past of 8 eBird "Hot
Spots" within the old "listing area." Some of us use all 10 of them to
define a "Pt. Pinos Patch" in eBird lingo.
listing area — or "patch" —was defined about 1980 to include the ~260
acres of the entire Point, "from Ruff to Ruff outside the RR track." In
the 1970s, a Ruff wintered in successive winters at Sea Palm beach
(foot of Sea Palm Ave; photo right from 7 Nov 1976 © Ron Branson)
and on kelp below the gazebo at Rocky Shores. These spots provide nice
"bookends" to the coastal crescent — about a 2 mile walk between the
spots on Ocean View Blvd. and Sunset Drive. The old "railroad tracks"
are gone but are now replaced by a public hiking trail from Railroad
Way & Lighthouse Ave., through the middle of the eastern reaches of
the golf course (where obscure) and then picks up again at the foot of
Lovers Pt., just outside the listing area.
You can access an ever-changing list of species and a bar graph of their occurrence for each of the Hot Spots shown via eBird. Many local birders are working to improve the bar graphs by entering eBird data for every week of the year.
About 340 species have been recorded within the Pt. Pinos "patch" and over 335 have been seen within the Pt. Pinos–general Hot Spot
alone! These are truly remarkable numbers given the small size (~0.4 sq
mi or 1.08 sq km) of the area. Few sites in North America this small
can match this diversity.
Birding at Pt. Pinos
can be good at any season. The entire shoreline around Pt. Pinos is
open to the public via large pull-outs on the Bay or Ocean side of the
Point; there are benches or one can easily stand with a scope (or sit
in a vehicle with a scope) to scan the sea. The sun is in your eyes
looking west in the afternoon, but it is often better at any time to
scan north from the Point, watching for birds flying out of the Bay
westward towards the open ocean. The wind tends to pick up in the
afternoon, and wind generally means better seawatching. Black-footed
Albatross are almost routine on windy afternoons in the summer.
far rocks at the Point often have 3 species of cormorant (dominated by
Brandt's) and loads of Brown Pelicans in season (summer, fall); an
occasional booby has landed here. Huge waves batter these rocks
(below). The strong winds usually come from the northwest. It is when
these winds are howling at gale force — and waves completely engulf the
rocks (inset below) that seawatching can be superb, as huge numbers of
seabirds are blown into Monterey Bay and try to escape by flying west —
into the winds — and past the Point. I remain in my car and scope out
the window in those conditions; when it is too rough I may chose a spot
several pull-outs east of the bare Point itself. Pelagics recorded in
these conditions here include Cook's, Hawaiian & Mottled Petrels;
nearly every shearwater or storm-petrel recorded from the county; all 3
jaegers and skua; nearly every west coast alcid, and five species of
booby! |
Rocky shorebirds
are a key group here, with good habitat throughout the area, but
especially on the ocean side. Black Oystercatcher (left, with precocial
young) are resident and breed on the small rocky islets. [Incidentally,
these rocky islets are part of California Coastal National Monument,
established on Jan. 11, 2000.] New signs went up in 2012 to protect
regular nesting sites (below).
In winter
(Oct-Apr) oystercatchers are joined by flocks of Black Turnstone,
Surfbird, Whimbrel, Willet, Sanderling, Black-bellied Plover, and
occasionally Pacific Golden-Plover. Ruff and Rock Sandpiper have
wintered twice. Wandering Tattler and Ruddy Turnstone are a spring and
fall migrants.
The tides make a difference for
seeing rocky shorebirds. At high tides there are just a few flocks
huddled together on offshore islets. At low tide, rocky shorebirds
spread out to forage widely among the edges of tidepools or the
ocean-rock interface. |
There are always gulls at Pt. Pinos. Western Gull breeds on the Point. A fairly standard winter array is shown above
— four California (center & left), a Western (in back), and two Mew
(lower right) — although it is odd that all but one are adults. In
summer & fall, Heermann's Gulls arrive in numbers (inset in above
shot). Scarcer gulls here, although regular, include Glaucous-winged
(left: 1st cycle & adult), Herring (right: adult standing, Western
sitting ), and Thayer's (right, bottom, standing). Be very aware
that hybrid or intergrade gulls are usual here in winter, and
especially Western X Glacous-winged (left, bottom, probably 3rd cycle).
Visitors should also be aware that on a
typical day, 90-95% of gulls at the Point are Western and California
Gulls. Ring-billed Gull, for example, is a major rarity on the rocky
coast and needs documentation. [It is common in winter on the mudflats
at Moss Landing.] Gulls misidentified as "Ring-billed" or "Herring" are
the two most common mistakes made by visiting observers. |
seawatching, seabirds, shorebirds, and gulls are a major part of
birding at Pt. Pinos, it is also an exceptional location for migrant
landbirds and waterfowl. This view (below) of Pt. Pinos from a boat
just offshore shows the rocky shore; the parking areas used by
tourists, and beyond them the Pacific Grove golf course and then the
Monterey Pine forest of Pacific Grove, shrouded in typical summer fog,
in the background. The Pt. Pinos Lighthouse is dead center. In front
and to the right of the lighthouse are some of the Monterey Cypress
trees that attract migrant landbirds near the public restrooms (the
small brown building just right of the white pick-up truck). [Crespi
Pond is out of view to the left of the white pick-up.] |
Crespi Pond
(above) is a small natural pond, adjacent to the coast, named for Friar
Juan Crespí who co-founded the Carmel Mission for Spain in 1770
with Father Juniperó Serra. Today Crespi Pond is used as a water
hazard between the 17th tee and green on the Pacific Grove golf course.
The inset photo (above) is from Oceanview Blvd, which separates Crespi
from the shore, and shows the P.G. Lighthouse in the back of the
reedbeds at the back side of Crespi. [The lighthouse, operating since
1855, is the oldest continuously operating lighthouse on the West
Coast.] The photo above shows a Ross's Goose among the coots that
winter at Crespi Pond. Canada Geese (from an introduced population) are
resident here and breed, but migrant geese — Ross's, Snow, Greater
White-fronted, Cackling, Brant — appear in small numbers during winter
or migration. The pond has attracted a wide variety of waterfowl over
the years, and even migrant waders when the pond level is low enough to
have mudflat. "Bicolored" Red-winged Blackbirds often nest in the
Crespi reedbed, which is also used as a day roost for Black-crowned
Night-Herons. Watch for swallows over the pond in summer, and bathing
gulls in winter. The Pacific Grove golf course is off-limit to the public when golfers are playing,
so birders must view from the edge of Oceanview Blvd., or get here
before 8 a.m. in the morning. A pebbly beach directly across from
Crespi often has roosting gulls, or rocky shorebirds, and sometimes
vagrant landbirds (e.g., Mountain Bluebird, Eastern Yellow Wagtail, and
Snow Bunting have all occurred there). |
incredible plethora of migrant landbirds have occurred in the cypress
and pine trees adjacent to Crespi Pond, primarily in Sep-Nov, but also
May-early June. Tropical Kingbird (right) is a
vagrant but is found at Pt. Pinos in Oct/Nov of most years, and some
(like this one photo'd in Jan 2010) have wintered here. At least 18
species of eastern warblers have occurred in the trees; the Crespi
reeds have hosted Least Bittern, Bobolink, and Swamp Sparrow, among
other rarities. [A link to the "top 10" vagrants at Pt. Pinos is below.]
access to key areas has diminished over recent decades, as a driving
range was built and is now heavily used next to the Crespi reedbeds. It
was once fairly easy to bird here (e.g., 1970s) but today birders'
access to the back side of Crespi is essentially only very early or
very late in the day, when no golfers are present. Since there are
almost always golfers playing or using the driving range, birding is
now generally limited to the cypresses in the immediate vicinity of the
public restroom (FYI, the restroom is locked at night so may not be
available for use very early and very late). Pacific Grove has a fenced
water treatment area between the restrooms and the Point which is also
off limits except to a few local birders with permission. |
is lots of public access on paths along the coast from Pt. Pinos east
to Lovers Point. In the spring a non-native flower blooms a "purple
carpet" in these public areas; this view (left) is from Otter Pt. A good spot is Esplanade Park
with tall pines halfway between Pt. Pinos and Otter Pt. Neighborhoods
on either side of Esplanade Park are good for migrants in fall
migration (Sep-Oct) and sometimes for wintering vagrants, such as
Orchard Oriole (right, from 1988). |
 There is also good habitat for landbird migrants at the El Carmelo cemetery,
at the corner of Lighthouse & Asilomar, and adjacent to the public
golfcourse clubhouse. The cemetery is open to the public and landscaped
long ago with pines, cypresses, planted Myioporum bushes, and
red-flowering 'flame trees' in the summer/early fall (center of photo,
right). These 'flame trees' attract hummingbirds in Aug-Sep. In the NE
corner of the cemetery is a spot called "the thicket" — a topic of much
public debate when it was trimmed to make room for more grave sites.
Locals were concerned about a refuge and fawning area for the
ubiquitous Black-tailed Deer that are a constant part of the landscape
of this cemetery, and basically forced the City of Pacific Grove to
replant much of "the thicket" with native plants. The small area is a
nice spot to check in migration these days, as is the row of Myioporum
that separates this part of the cemetery from the golf course. Visitors
are reminded to stay off the golf course and limit their wanderings to
the cemetery grounds. |