My three favorite Oceanic Islands photos at this point in time
are shown below. They are favorites as much for the bird illustrated as
for the photography. All were fairly recent and taken with my Canon and
500mm f6.7 autofocus lens.
All photos © D. Roberson.
Kagu Rhynochetos
jubatus more of the story about this mythical beast will be on
the Kagu page, but, through the incredibly kind help of Yves Letocart,
we got to see "Kogee" (hard g), the Kagu that Yves banded 8 years ago and
has been studying ever since. I have many photos of Kogee, but this is
my favorite.
Madagascar Pygmy-Kingfisher Ispidina madagascariensis
this was in forest around Lake Ampigoroa, in northwestern Madagascar, and
Jan Piersen (one of the tour leaders) and I had wandered off from the main
track along a small ravine when Jan spotted this tiny, tiny kingfisher
sitting stock still at eye-level. I manuevered to another tree to steady
the camera, and came away with this full-frame shot and its nice combination
of orange bird/green background.
Long-tailed Ground-Roller Uratelornis chimaera It was
truly a joy having a chance to photograph this rare and endangered species
in southwestern Madagascar. It inhabits the very weird spiny forest, and
our tour group had hired locals to locate a pair for us. They did so, and
we had long leisurely view. After the group left, I lingered to take a
series of photos. This is certainly my closest full-frame shot, and may
be my best.