Lanyon (1961) created a key for separating specimens of Ash-throated
and Nutting's Flycatchers, and accompanied that key with two illustrations
showing variation in both species. There is remarkable variation is tail
pattern. Standard field guides (e.g., National Geographic 1999, Howell
& Webb 1995) can only show the most typical patterns. The most important
feather is the outermost rectrix, numbered "R6" in banding shorthand (there
are six sets of feathers in a flycatcher's tail, thus 12 in all, numbered
from the center because the molt is from the center and outward). The shaft
of the tail feather separates the tail into two parts: the narrow outer
web and the broader inner web. It is the pattern on the inner web that
is important.
On most Ash-throated Flycatchers, the inner web is entirely rufous (right up to the shaft) until, near the tip of the feather, the brown outer web suddenly expands and "cuts off" the rufous before it reaches the tail tip. One typical pattern to shown on this fine photograph © Peter LaTourrette, taken at Jasper Ridge near Stanford Univ., California, in April 1993 (many beautiful shots at Jasper Ridge are on Peter's Jasper Ridge web site). |
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Another common Ash-throated pattern is for this brown color (called
"fuscous" by Lanyon) to "hook back" along the inner edge of the inner web,
nicely shown (right) on another Peter LaTourrette photo, this one from
Stevens Creek park in Santa Clara Co. (yet another wonderful set of photos
are on Peter's North American Bird
As we shall see further down this page, the "typical" Nutting's Flycatcher tail does not have the brown outer web rapidly expanded at the tip, "cutting off" the rufous from the tip. Instead, there is a brownish shaft streak, typically including a tiny bit of the inner web next to the shaft, that gradually expands towards the tip. The brown area usually broadens at the tip, but some of the rufous on the inner web is "free" to continue right to the tip of tail. [On both species the thin outer web is mostly brown but in fresh plumage there can be a whitish edge around the entire feather.] |
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Reproduced below is Lanyon's (1961) figures on tail variation in Ash-throated (figure 1) and Nutting's (figure 2) flycatchers. Note the "typical" patterns of both species come in at least three variations, and then there are "rare" patterns that closely match the pattern of the other species. Lanyon's key shows R6 (the sixth rectrix) on the top row. He also illustrates R2 (the second rectrix) but that is only important when one gets into the "rare" patterns shown by a small minority of birds.
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Can you find the two identical tails in this group? I think it is fairly hard to do because of the differences in lighting , film and reproduction, but the two identical ones are the left-hand and the right-hand birds; only the right-hand bird has been retouched to try to bring out contrast a bit. Note that on all three the rufous inner web extends to the tip at the inside "corner" of the tail tip and for a bit further along the tip. If anything, the center bird seems to have slightly more rufous at the tip. Also, the brown expansion seems a tiny bit more gradual on the Arizona bird (left and right) than the center bird. But on all three you can see that the brown color extends as a thin stripe across the shaft and into the inner web at the mid-point of the tail, about where the words "R6" appear. Tails in this group of Myiarchus run in the 75-95mm range (Lanyon 1961, Pyle 1997) but (of course) some portion is hidden by tail covert feathers where inserted. It is fair to say that the 30-35mm point from the tip is about or just a bit short of the halfway point on the tails. This is the point marked by the double-headed arrows on Lanyon's key (above), and hopefully approximated by the "R6" words on each photo in this set. Obviously, the 20mm point (from the tip) would be about a third closer to the tip. Beyond the pattern of the tail tip, Lanyon explained that the typical Nutting's had a thin but obvious (greater than half-a-millimeter) shaft streak at the 20mm point where the brown encroached into the rufous inner web.
Look for yourself, but I see that there is brown on the inner web, to the right of the feather shaft, at a point a third of the way closer to the tip than the "R6" printing. Indeed, there is still a tiny sliver of brown on the inner web right next to the shaft at the "R6" lettering (or approximately the 30mm mark).
You can see that all these feathers are fresh; none have ragged or worn tips. Therefore the top row of Lanyon's key applies. You can judge for yourself, the patterns shown by these birds (recognizing that the left and right photos are the same bird) seems to generally match "A" in the Nutting's chart (a typical pattern for Nutting's) or, possibly, pattern "E" in the Ash-throated chart (a rare pattern).
The middle photo (above) is the Santa Cruz bird. It is Tom Grey's photo, with tail enlarged, but I have flipped the image to compare it with the other two. It is actually the right-hand R6 (when viewed from below) rather than the left-hand feather. However, Lanyon (1961) says "presence of a character or condition on either the left or right rectrix is acceptable in the use of the key" so comparing a left-hand feather of one bird to the right-hand equivalent feather of the other should not matter. [Again, I repeat that the two left photos above are unadjusted in PhotoShop in any way, except to enlarge the scans.]
However, it is not this simple. Look at the photo immediately to the right, and especially that triangular area outlined in white on the next inset. I see this area as a dull fuscous, and when I first viewed the tail immediately to the right, I thought it was an obvious Ash-throated because the brown covered the entire tip. | ![]() ![]() |
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I was quite wrong. The tails on the top row just above are all of the Santa Cruz bird, taken at about the same time but with different equipment. Tom Grey's tail (far right, but now reversed to its original orientation) was digiscoped with an Olympus digital camera and a Nikon Fieldscope, and has no flash. Peter LaTourrette's tail (above left) was taken on film with fill-flash. |
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Important Note: These uncertainties about tail pattern illustrate yet again that (a) making subtle color judgments on the basis of one photograph is unwise and (b) differing photographic techniques can yield different results, even if taken contemporaneously.
We also must not overlook the fact that both species (Ash-throated and Nutting's) show extensive variation in tail patterns. Below are some other nice LaTourrette photos of Ash-throated Flycatchers in California. The left hand bird is from Morongo Valley (where Brown-crested also nests) and the center shot is an enlargement of that tail. Below right is the same Santa Clara Co. tail shown near the top of this page. These are just some of the variations present in Ash-throated Flycatcher.
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Given this range of variation, one might opine that the tail pattern of the Santa Cruz bird could fit either species. You can determine for yourself whether it better fits a "typical" pattern of one or the other species, but it may be unwise to assert that the tail pattern conclusively identifies the Santa Cruz bird.
I am particularly grateful to Peter LaTourrette for the photos and points discussed on this page. He says that he has long been skeptical of tail pattern as a very useful character in the field on this group, and the evidence seems to support his comment. The other pages in this project are: