This thumbnailed gallery illustrates my current personal list of Odonata within California. Many of these small photos are shown at a significantly larger size elsewhere on this web site; links to those, and often additional photos, are given below. The location/date information in this grid relates to the photo shown, and sometimes refers to other photos from elsewhere in the State. The order listed follows the text of Manolis (2003) although he states that his taxonomic arrangement is by convenience, and does not represent a phylogenetic tree. However, I prefer this "sort-of" taxonomic tree over the practice followed by many entomologists, which is to list genera, and species within genera, alphabetically within families. Such "alphabetic" arrangement assures that some closely related groups will be listed far from each other. I prefer the half-hearted attempt to list closely related groups and species near to each other. |
Hetaerina americana Arroyo Seco River MTY
Argia emma male Arroyo Seco River MTY
Archilestes grandis ovipositing pair Cold Canyon SOL
Telebasis salva pair ovipositing Lopez Cyn MTY
Archilestes californica male Arroyo Leona FRE
Enallagma cyathigerum female Heenan Lake ALP
Lestes congener female Arroyo Seco Lake MTY
Enallagma boreale male Curtz Lake ALP
Lestes dryas pair in tandem Grass Lake ED
Enallagma praevarum male Laguna Grande MTY
Lestes disjunctus male Donner Summit NEV
Enallagma carunculatum male near Salinas MTY
Argia lugens male Arroyo Seco River MTY
Enallagma civile male Pinnacles NM, SBT
Argia hinei male Arroyo Leona FRE
Ischnura perparva male Lopez Canyon MTY
Argia agrioides male Arroyo Seco Lakes MTY
Ischnura denticollis male Salinas River
Argia vivida pair ovipositing Arroyo Seco River MTY
Ischnura barberi male Armagosa River
Argia sedula pair ovipositing Imperial Valley IMP
Ischnura cervula pair in wheel Carmel R. mouth MTY
Anax junius male Laguna Grande MTY
Sympetrum corruptum male near Salinas MTY
Anax walshinghami male Arroyo Seco River MTY
Sympetrum illotum pair ovipositing Laguna Grande MTY
Rhionaeschna multicolor pair in wheel near Soledad MTY
Erythemis [s.] collocata male Arroyo Seco Lakes MTY
Rhionaeschna californica male Carmel R. mouth MTY
Pachydiplax longipennis female Arroyo Seco Lakes MTY
Aeshna interrupta male near Donner Summit NEV
Plathemis lydia male Hayfork wastewater ponds TRI
Aeshna palmata male Heenan Lake ALP
Libellula forensis male Indian Valley Reservoir ALP
Aeshna palmata male; tributary of
Libellula pulchella female Laguna Grande MTY
Stylurus olivaceus male American River, Sacramento SAC
Libellula luctuosa male Arroyo Seco Lakes MTY
Eropetogomphus compositus male Armagosa River
Libellula saturata male Arroyo Seco Lakes MTY
Cordulegaster dorsalis female Garrapata State Park MTY
Orthemis ferruginea male Salton Sea NWR
Cordulia shurtleffii male seen Grass Lake ED
Paltothemis lineatipes male Arroyo Seco Lakes MTY
Sympetrum danae male Grass Lake ED
Brechmorhoga mendax male Arroyo Seco River MTY
Sympetrum [s.] occidentale male Indian Valley Reservoir ALP
Tramea lacerata male Arroyo Seco Lakes MTY
Sympetrum obtrusum male Grass Lake ALP
Pantala flavescens male Carmel R. mouth MTY
Sympetrum pallipes male South Lake Tahoe ED
Pantala hymenaea in-hand dead glider minutes after it hit my
Literature cited:
PHOTOS: All photos are © 2006 Don Roberson; all